About AIOA


AIOA is the abbreviation for the ‘Alchemy Institute of Australiawhich has been created for the purpose of bringing to our modern world the ancient and powerful art of living life through the process of Alchemy as practiced  by  all  of  the esoteric (spiritual) traditions from around the world.

AIOA   is a holistic, fast growing empowerment, healing and teaching institute dedicated to bring opportunities to individuals, groups and organizations  to achieve personal and organizational growth, health and fulfillment by bringing awareness and removing the barriers and blocks of belief systems and learned strategies which are created through personal, social, and environmental experiences, expectations and limitations.

We are what we think; and we achieve what we believe…Our imagination exercises a powerful influence over every act of sense, thought, reason, over every idea.

The ‘Art’ of alchemy empowers all who embraces it to take those skills into their lives and transform each aspect so that they become the creator of their own personal masterpiece! As we transform so too do we offer transformation to others!